Metro Maintenance & Projects

Alermak is specialized in below Sectors; Csr Bombardier Train Gearboxes, Quartax Pims, Tow Couplers, Train Shock Absorbers, Bogie Revisions, Axle Revisions, Rail Grinding, Rail Welding, Spring Hub Welding, Shear Hub Grinding, Ballast Line

Regarding the impact of the expansion of subway lines on the demand for public and private transport services in cities, the results show that this transport alternative has usually succeeded in reducing the gradual increase in car use, despite higher investment and capital costs.

Subway equipment

Subway equipment is not only concerned with tunnels, traffic management or stations. For the service provided to be perfect, the trains must also be in perfect condition. All vehicle maintenance, from cleaning to major repairs, is carried out in the workshops through regular overhauls.

Alermak aims to make life easier with technology

Today, the rapid development of technology and computer systems is coupled with the desire for shorter and safer journeys, with the greatest possible comfort and overall efficiency.

Alermak operates with the goal of zero problems.

Timely fault detection and regular maintenance are essential in the rail industry to prevent accidents. The practice of condition monitoring maintenance can significantly improve the reliability, safety and efficiency of a railway system while reducing maintenance costs.

All domestic production

As Alermak, we open up to the world with our products, which are all domestically produced, and bring quality to the whole world.

CSR Bombardier Train GearBox
Quartax Pims
Tow Couplers
Train Shock Absorbers
Bogie Revisions
Axle Revisions
Rail Grinding & Welding
Shear Hub Grinding
Ballast Line

Completed & Ongoing Projects


If you are ready,
